We’re giving away 100 ebooks! Enter to Win a Big Rich Money eBook! – Skimbaco lifestyle
We are organizing a great GoodReads eBook Giveaway!
We are giving away 100 copies of the Big Rich Money: How To Turn Your Business Intentions Into A Profitable Enterprise ebook to GoodReads members.
Big Rich Money is a transformative guide for entrepreneurs that leads you to discover how to elevate your business and life goals. We provide our consulting secrets to achieving goals with our combined 20+ years of marketing and business consulting experience and practical business tools so you can make more money from your business faster.
We identify the seven most common mistakes business owners make and provide solutions on how to avoid them. The book includes stories from entrepreneurs from all stages of their business and is half motivational, half business strategy book, explaining complex issues in an easy way. From one business friend to another.
The Big Rich Money book demystifies the blocks of money, business mindset, branding, strategy, marketing, production management, and building sustainable business models. This book will transform the way you think about many business decisions, help you better assess your opportunities, and help you propel or grow your business to the next level.
GoodReads eBook Giveaway
Why are we giving away 100 eBooks? This is a book that every entrepreneurial woman should have. We want to give people a chance to get the e-book for free, but the giveaway also helps us promote the book.
When you enter the GoodReads sweepstakes, you’ll automatically be added to your «I want to read» list. If you’re an active GoodReads user, we’d love to be on your «Want to Read» list and ultimately be on your «Read» list with a 5-star review. This is an easy way to help us promote our book and help other entrepreneurs find our advice.
Enter the draw nowends on September 17, 2021.
You can also follow me on GoodReads: Katja Presnal author profile and leave a review for the Big money rich book if you already read it. And don’t forget: if you already bought the book, you can get the Free Big Rich Money Workbook!
Tell it to your entrepreneurial friends!
If you want to buy the book right away, go to Amazon either Barnes & Nobles.